Narrative of Jeff’s UC oddyssey
Starting in very late October or very early November 2005, I started to get diarrhea. A lot of it. It shortly became the only type of BM I had.
In mid-December, I followed my wife’s recommendation, and made an appointment with my Internist, Dr. James West. During several appointments with him in January, in which I had bloodwork, stool test, ultrasound of my abdomen, he told me that I needed to go to a gastro-internist doctor.
Following a recommendation by my mother-in-law and seconded by several other family members, I made an appointment with Dr. Randy Yanda. In late April 2006, I got a colonoscopy done. The results showed small to moderate amounts of Ulcerative Colitis in the large intestine.
He recommended several drugs, like Asacol, Pentasa and Colozol. I went through the Asacol and Colozol without effect. The Predinsone had some effect.
On the morning of July 4th, I ran the Peachtree Road Race, for which my time reflected the lack of training, but I did not have any UC-related problems before, during or after. Thank God.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
This evening, as I was on Pentasa, I met my best friend for dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. At about 2:30 AM on that Friday morning, I had to poop. While on the throne, I noticed some pain in my abdomen, similar to that of hunger pains. I wondered if it could have been anything I had eaten at Longhorn. I tried to sleep, but the pain kept getting stronger. I had a 10:00 appt with Dr. Yanda that morning, and I asked myself if I could hold out.
As I had gotten up and was walking about, I looked at my abdomen. It was very swollen about two inches below the sternum and very painful to the touch. At that point, I asked my wife to take me to Piedmont Hospital.
It was about 4:30-5:00 AM by the time we got there. The hospital staff admitted us to an ER room after verifying my insurance, of course. In the ER room, they took blood tests that showed I had pancreatitis. By this time, I was in a lot of pain, grimacing and moaning with each exhalation. They hooked me up with Dilatid, and when it kicked in, I was so glad-no pain. No other sensation common to painkillers, but no pain.
Dr. Yanda’s PA came in shortly, asking questions and taking notes. I called my sister-in-law, who works at Piedmont. I called my boss to let her know what was happening and my tennis captain, as I was scheduled to play that following Saturday. I was admitted shortly afterwards, and was put into a suite instead of the standard room. Nice. It was also the same suite that my brother had been in following one of his surgeries. My family knows Piedmont well.
The standard treatment for pancreatitis is to not take any food or water for 24 hours, then very gradually start introducing bland foods over the next several days.
That first day, I had only IV fluids, but was not hungry at all. Connie left in the late morning, if I remember right. Would have been very boring for her, and she had been up with me since about 2:30 AM. I am sure it was a long day for her, having to go into work afterwards. I had a nice long nap.
The next day, Friday, I was allowed the starvation diet plan, of which the main thing that was edible was grits. On Saturday, an ultrasound of my gallbladder showed negative. Connie brought a goodie bag from the house for me-some books, toiletry stuff, glasses.
At some point, I received a Remicade infusion. It was preceded by a shot of liquid Benedril. I felt the wonderful effects of that in about 2 seconds. Great sensation of a wonderful drug, and then sleep.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Was finally discharged at about 11:30 AM on. For the next two weeks, I was on a low fiber/low residue diet. Ick. It took a lot of discipline to adhere to it.
Dr. Yanda thought the pancreatitis could have been caused by a reaction to the Pentasa. The other major cause of pancreatitis is alcohol. Not a worry there. He took me off of Pentasa, and put me in 6mp.
Wednesday, July 19., 2006
I made the mistake of going in to work the day after I got out of the hospital. I should have stayed home. I left after 6 hours, feeling very tired and sluggish. I was worn out.
The next day, I left after about 6 hours again with a headache.
Monday, July 31, 2006
We received a bill from Peidmont for $22,000. We were not amused. On August 11, we received an EOB showing our portion was $414. That was nice.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Had another Remicade infusion on at the Infusion Room at Piedmont and another on Wednesday, August 30. Both took about 3-4 hours, and both appointments were in the morning. So I had great naps, and brought along a book to read.
Labor Day, Sept 4, 2006
I ran the US 10K Classic. I had major misgivings with doing so. Porta potty lines suck, but I was able to go across the street from Cumberland Mall to the Galleria and found an open door in the back. I used the bathroom several times there prior to the race. During the race, I had to stop at Dunkin Donuts and Pep Boys to poop. Pisser. Rotten time, walking 2/3s of the race as I could not train properly for it.
Friday, Oct. 13, 2006, 2006
We left for vacation at Amelia Island Plantation. I had some reservations about the drive-no problems. On Sunday morning, we went for a kayaking excursion in the marshes. I was scared to death, as there are no bathrooms in a kayak. I did very well, and three hours later, while back at the dock, I used the porta potty there. Whew.
Friday morning, October 20, 2006
At about 2:30 AM, I had the same pain and symptoms of pancreatitis as I had back in July. So, another trip to the ER at Piedmont, another diagnosis of pancreatitis. Another five-day vacation at Piedmont Hospital. Got discharged on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at about noon, with another two-week regimen of a low fiber/low residue diet. We were both thankful this happened when we were back home instead of on Amelia Islantd.
I learned (to a limited degree) about working following a hospital stay, and so only worked 4 hours the next day. The next day, Thursday, I worked 6 hours and on Friday, was back to full days.
Wednesday, Nov. 8 , 2006
I got a second opinion on the recommended colon surgery. Went to Dr. Brandenburg at St. Joseph’s. Hospital He saw that I was about at the end of the treatment regimen for UC, but mentioned several clinical trials that he knew about. Neither seemed a possibility.
Monday, Nov. 27, 2006
Connie and I met with Dr, Jay Singh, the surgeon recommended by Dr. Yanda. We agreed to the colectomy surgery on Wednesday, Dec. 27.
Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006
I tried to give blood to bank for my surgery. I had the bag 2/3 full, then told the attendant that I was about to pass out, so they unplugged me. Bummer. A little more and I would have made enough for the blood to be available for my surgery. I do not remember the needle hurting like that during the previous times I have given blood. It hurt badly the whole time.
At some point around this time, I had my preop hospital appointment. I weighed 203 pounds. Damn prednisone.
Wednesday, Dec. 27, 2006
This afternoon, I had my large intestine removed at Piedmont Hospital. I was told it took about 7 hours and that Dr, Singh had very little room for error in that the small intestine designated for the j-pouch almost did not reach. I remember very little of the following Thursday and Friday, but I remember Mom spending the night each night. I remember two nurses giving me a sponge bath on Friday morning. Guys tend to remember things like that. Each day following, I gave myself a sponge bath. Even if I did not feel like it, I knew it was important to do so. Shaving was optional.
Deodorant was not.
Saturday was the first day I started feeling anywhere near human. As the anesthesia worked its way out of my body, I had the male equivalent of hot flashes over the next few days. There were times I was burning up, and sweating. I kept the thermostat to around 67, which I think was the lowest setting. As it was January anyway, I had a blanket on me as well. What I call a blanket and what the hospital calls a blanket are two different things.
My legs were hooked up to some mechanical massager to help prevent blood clots. While I liked it during the day, at night it got to be a pain. I had to call the nurse each time I had to empty my bag, go to the bathroom or go for a walk. That got to be a pain, so at some point over the next day or two they brought me some of those tight calf-length socks to do the same thing. I wore the gray hospital socks, the ones with rubber strips to prevent sliding, over the white socks. After a day or two, they caused my legs to itch like crazy. So I stopped wearing them.
As they wanted to measure my output, I had to drain the bag into a beaker.
One doctor told me first thing today-he woke me up, is that if I felt like I had to go to the bathroom, to go and listen to my body. The first few times I went, I pooped out a lot of blood. I was told this was normal, and I would pass mucous-like poop.
One thing that was a lifesaver the first night or two was the beaker they gave me to pee into at night so I would not have to get out of bed. That took a few attempts but I got the knack of what position to be in to best use it. They measured that output as well.
Sunday, Dec. 31, 2006
While Connie was with me during the afternoon, a nurse from the Wound/Ostomy Care Center showed us how to drain and also how to change the bag. Major yuck factor involved in each. At about 2:30 AM later that night, New Years Eve, I woke up, knowing something was wrong. When I turned on the light I saw that the bag was full and leaking like a sieve. I was a mess, the bed was a mess and soon parts of the floor were a mess. This is not how I wanted to wake up.
I made the conscious decision to not panic or freak, thinking that if I could change the bag under difficult circumstances, it would only help me in the future. So I got up, went to the bathroom and drained the bag. I started to clean myself up, and then changed the bag. Afterwards, I finished cleaning myself, and then had to call the nurses station and let them know what happened. They brought me a new gown as well.
By the time I got back into bed, it was about 4:30 AM, and I was exhausted, embarrassed and frustrated. I then threw a pity party, and cried like I had not cried in years. All the frustration, all the stress of dealing with the UC, all the worry of the next several months, came out. Then I did the smarter thing, and started praying like I had not prayed in years. I told God that I needed Him-He already knew that. I told him I knew whose footprints those were in the sand-His. He knew that too. I prayed for several more minutes and felt instantly when the weight of the world started to leave my shoulders. The weight kept getting lifted. I knew who was doing that, and that He was better able to carry that burden than I ever could.
That thought has comforted me a lot since, but sometimes I place some weight on my shoulders through habit.
Naturally, I felt poorly on Monday and did not feel too great on that Tuesday either. When Dr. Singh saw me on Tuesday morning, he thought I was not ready to leave-did not look like I was ready.
On one particular day during my stay, I got a call from my mom that Blynnsa, my sister-in-law who works at Piedmont, was in the Emergency Room. So without thinking about it, I got my robe and trekked down there. The way they have the doors arranged from the main corridor to the ER, you can not open them from the corridor. So I walked through the parking lot, rolling my IV pole in front of me. When I entered the Emergency Room lobby, I ran into my brother, and we walked out of the ER lobby back to the individual ER rooms. No hospital employee said anything to me, which I found to be hilarious. I must have presented quite a sight walking through the parking lot!
Blynnsa was sitting in a chair in one of the corridors and was not happy to see me. Being the nurse she is, she fussed at me, saying I did not need to be there with my having gone through my surgery and the damage to my immune system. I have to admit she was right. I stayed a minute or two later to wish her well. From the Emergency Room, I entered the main corridor through the one way doors and went back to my room. Still no hospital employee said anything to me.
Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2007
I got discharged about 4 o’clock .We left with a very bad taste in our mouths. The staff wanted us to meet with the home health people who could visit us at home if needed. The lady was delayed, and we waited over three hours. Major pisser.
At some point, we noticed a leak, and spent 30 minutes changing it. The lady came during this time, and did not want to wait for us, so she just left a brochure. I wanted to wring her neck. This left such a bad tasted in our mouths that when the home health company later called us to see if we needed their services, we had a very hard time warming up to them. When asked what services they provide, they could only say, “Bag maintenance.”
As the new year had already started when they called, and as we would have to start new deductibles all over again, meaning we would probably have to pay for them ourselves, we said no. I don’t think we missed anything. If we were ever in a jam, the WOC Center at Piedmont was available.
Miscellaneous thoughts on my hospital stay:
1. I had to curtail my watching of South Park due to my abdomen hurting while laughing. I had to stop watching the movie Airplane during the cockpit scene when they started their routine of, “What’s the vector, Victor”…Laughing too hard again. I rented this movie from Blockbuster a month later.
2. Take as many naps as possible during the day. I was not able to sleep very well at night due to the frequent blood pressure, temp and pulse readings taken.
3. Go for 4-5 walks a day, but do not overdo it.
4. Learn to like sponge baths.
5. Being positive and thinking long term will get you through the day.
6. Visitors are great to have, but if you need to sleep, sleep. Try to go for a walk with them. Mom and Dad visited every day-that was wonderful.
For the ride home, I sat in the back seat with a pillow between my abdomen and the seatbelt-great suggestion from Connie, and I hated every bump we hit on the way home.
We stopped at Eckerd on the way home and the pharmacy tech somehow thought there was a problem with the pain prescription. Thirty minute delay there. The script was properly filled out. Incredibly aggravating. Thank God they had seats for me to sit on.
Got home around 6:30 PM.
So glad to be home. Some of the preparations we had made were to get a mattress protector in case of a leak. We had done some grocery shopping in advance, knowing I needed a low-fiber/low residue diet.
When we left Piedmont, they gave us a number of items for later use. Among them were surgical gloves and a large pad, 1.5 foot by 2.5 foot or so. We used this on the couch in case of a leak. The surgical gloves were to be used when I changed the bag. I tried them for several days, but decided that I needed the dexterity of going glove-less.
Friday, Jan. 5, 2007
I started walking from one end of the house to the other. Walking from one end of the house never seemed like a chore before, but I felt like it was. I hope I never take good health for granted again.
I soon noticed I was up several times a night, draining the bag. I never wanted the bag to get too full, so it was common to drain it at 1/3 to ½ full.
Saturday, Jan. 6, 2007
Connie went with me for a walk outside, just to the end of the driveway and back, several times. Felt great being outside.
I developed the habit of going for a brief walk after breakfast, followed by a nap. Mid morning naps are wonderful. I felt like a cat.
For a few days afterwards, we walked down to the cove and up the hill, and called it a day.
At some point, we named my stoma Rosie, in honor of Rosie O’Donnell. This was shortly after her spat with Trump. My stoma reminded me of her, always spewing and full of crap.
On Wednesday, Jan. 10, I had an appt. at the Wound/Ostomy Care Center. The nurse took out my stitches and removed a glass rod that propped up the stoma. This hurt like crap, and she then changed my bag. This was followed with an appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Jay Singh. He told us of an impending procedure to test the integrity of the pouch, scientifically called a pouchagram.
On the next day, my bag started to leak. If the WOC people could not last longer than two days, I did not feel so bad. I could not do any better.
I soon learned that taking a shower loosened the wafer. So I started to take sponge baths each day, and washed my hair in the kitchen sink. I took showers only when I knew I would be changing my bag immediately afterwards.
Saturday Jan. 13, 2007
I noticed that I was getting some good sleep until about 3:00 AM, then my lower back and hips started to ache badly. Nothing I could do would increase the comfort level. I did not want to sleep on either side because of the bag, so I was stuck sleeping on my back, and ached at night.
This was miserable.
Sunday Jan. 14, 2007
Felt strong enough to get out with Connie and go to Kroger and Blockbuster-she drove. I was glad to get out somewhere. I walked very slowly, and was hunched somewhat over the buggy.
At some point I realized to start changing my bag, if possible, only when I had not eaten for several hours. The times I tried to change it after eating only led to frustration and wasted bags because Rosie was more active.
Monday, Jan. 15, 2007
I had a bad day. While trying to change the bag, I got frustrated and Connie had to help. After a minute or two, I began to feel weak and got dizzy. I went to bed bagless and Connie had to put it on while I was in bed. Rosie was very active the whole time. I think I succumbed to the ick factor and somehow Connie had the patience and ability to get through that and put a new bag on me.
Thursday, Jan 18, 2007
I am was doing my best to take one step at a time and to stay positive. But I am getting frustrated with my inability to have a bag last longer then two days. We did a few errands-Kroger, credit union, Blockbuster
Friday, Jan. 19, 2007
I went for the longest walk yet; a walk to the subdivision entrance and back, about one mile.
Monday, Jan. 22, 2007
Connie went back to work. I got stir crazy and went to Chick-Fil-A and read the paper, had some sweet tea, then went to the library and the credit union.
With Connie back at work, I knew that I needed to be as independent as possible, more so than before but I failed at this occasionally. Connie was a great help with Byram and getting my account set up and supplies ordered.
Connie’s office had a church deliver a lasagne dinner. What a treat.
Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2007
Did fairly well during the day, but got bored easily, which I remedied with a late morning and mid afternoon nap. I felt like a cat. Again..
I noticed with my diet, I was able to handle any food I ate, with the exception of soup-that went straight to the pouch. Lots of output for not much substance, so I stopped the soup. Juices went straight to the pouch. I stopped drinking apple and grape juice, but kept with the orange juice, just not as much, as I wanted the nutrition.
I usually drink a lot of Ensure.
Wednesday Jan. 24, 2007
I met Mom and Dad for lunch at our favorite barbeque restaurant, Old South. I enjoyed getting out and meeting them. I was able to handle barbeque, which was a step in the right direction.
Had a rotten night sleep that night, but had a great nap this afternoon.
Thursday, Jan. 25, 2007
Went to Chick-Fil-A again, for sweet tea and to read the paper. Felt great just getting out of the house and going somewhere. Went to Borders Bookstore afterwards and bought a Johnny Cash CD.
Had a rotten evening. Had three leaks, finishing with the last one after midnight. Was very frustrated.
Friday, Jan. 26, 2007
Ordered more supplies from Byrum. I had a great fear of running out of supplies. It helped knowing we lived about 13 miles from their Georgia retail store, for if I ran out, I would not have to wait on the mail or have to request an overnight package.
Chick-Fil-A again. Got a haircut.
Saturday, Jan. 27-watched television and read most of the day. Had pizza for dinner. Handled it well.
Had a bag hold up for two days. Wow. Almost a record.
Sunday, Jan. 28, 2007
We went to Kroger and I was again glad to get out. Had cold pizza for breakfast, and again handled it well.
Connie fixed a wonderful fire tonight. She had a good coach.
Monday, Jan. 29, 2007
Ordered more supplies.
Chick-Fil-A again.
Our computer was acting up. Again.
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007
I felt well enough to go out and do a bunch of errands: Sports Authority, Kroger, Borders Bookstore, Blockbuster. Also stopped by Byram.
Chick-Fil-A again.
Thursday, Feb 1, 2007
Had the threat of an ice storm last night that luckily never materialized. Connie was able to go in to work.
Dreary day. It is easy to be positive when the weather is wonderful, a lot harder when it is overcast and nasty.
Started working on our tax stuff.
Sunday, Feb. 3, 2007
Went to Connie’s tennis match.
Monday, Feb. 5-started taking Connie to and from work. Connie likes not having to drive, we like the extra time together and it gets me out of the house.
Chick-Fil-A again, and went to Cumberland Mall for some shopping.
I went to Chick-Fil-A many more times than indicated in this narrative, if only to get out of the house. It is isolating enough being sick or recovering from surgery, but getting out even if just to read the paper really helped my outlook.
Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2007
Met my best friend for dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse agaiin. I was not brave enough for a steak, but they have good salmon.
Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007
Saw a movie, Letters from Iwo Jima, at the theater. It must have tired me out, because I later took a two hour nap.
Monday, Feb. 12, 2007
We had an early Valentine’s dinner-sushi. Handled it well, but at the restaurant, I noticed a leak. It was a small one, so I did not replace it there, waiting until I got home. By the time we got home, it was a major leak. I was a bit of a mess.
Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2007
Had a pouchagram test at Piedmont to test the viability of the j-pouch. From Piedmont, I took Connie to work, and had lunch at the Varsity. Handled it with no problems. The extra grease may have helped.
Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007
Set a record. My bag has not leaked since Monday-4 days.
Friday, Feb. 16, 2007
Had an interview. Was extremely worried about the bag. Drained it right before I left.
Had pizza again for dinner. No problems.
Saturday, Feb 17-Crappy morning. Had to change the bag, and had two replacements leaked immediately. Pisser. The third one worked. My frustration from the first one leaking contributed to the second one leaking. Impatience is not a good thing.
Saw a movie. Handled popcorn well, but made sure I chewed it well. Afterwards, we ate at the Varsity and window shopped at the mall.
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007
Went for a long walk on the Silver Comet Trail. I’m trying to incorporate long scenic walks instead of just walking in the neighborhood. Plus it is a great way to spend an hour or two.
Friday, Feb. 23, 2007
Still not sleeping very well.
Sunday, Feb. 25, 2007
Beautiful day, and we went for a long walk, and also walked at the nearby lake. I had not been around that lake in 20 years.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
We went to Connie’s mom’s to help her out with some cleaning. I replaced the guts of one of her toilets, but in the twisting and bending I did, my bag sprung a leak. Replaced it there.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Had a tennis get-together/celebration for our mixed doubles team winning our division and the bag tag. I had several slices of pizza-no problems. I had an in-depth conversation with a teammate who has Chrons disease. He was very interested in what happened to me. He had previously had some of his large intestine removed, but retained most of it. Afterwards, they went out for bowling, which I passed on. I did not want to torque my abdomen. That was the first time I ever considered bowling to have some physical effect on someone.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Went to an all day HR seminar. I was extremely worried, but the bag held up nicely. One woman I knew told me that her mom had died of pancreatitis. That was a dose of reality.
Stopped by the Varsity on the way to pick up Connie. Discovered that a chocolate milkshake goes straight to the pouch. Glad I checked before I left-it was full. At the downtown Varsity, there is a row of 4 to 5 toilets that do not have much, if any, privacy. There is one for handicapped customers that is enclosed. I am very thankful it was available. Having to drain it in view of others would have been very embarrassing.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
I am getting nervous about my upcoming resection but look forward to life without a bag.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Had my preop blood work done. I did not even contemplate banking a pint of blood.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Resection surgery at Piedmont. Screw up on the arrival time. Our paperwork showed an 11:00 arrival time; theirs showed 1:00. Pisser, but glad the times was not reversed.
Had a lengthy delay in Recovery. I was awake during much of this time and was surprised I was lucid as well. Got up in the room at about 9:00 PM.. As the techs were about to move me from the transport to the hospital bed, I reminded them at the last second about the catheter bag. That would have hurt badly had they moved me and that bag had stayed in place. Dumb.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Made it through the day, but had a crappy night. Lots of liquid bms, on top of the standard hospital procedure of denying a full night’s sleep with the repeated blood pressure, temp and oxygen checks.
They brought me a beaker in which to go without getting up. They wanted to measure my urine output. I told the Care Practitioner that if I was peeing, I was having to poop. If I was having to poop, I was on the toilet. If I was on the toilet, it was difficult to use the beaker.
Thursday April 12, 2007
A decent day and a better night. Got upgraded past the starvation diet.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Best day so far. Dad called, saying that they were in the emergency room at Piedmont, that Mom had fallen and hit her head when they were at their broker’s office. He specifically told me to not come down to the emergency room, knowing what I had done several months ago.
They came by several long hours later-no concussion and a negative CT scan.
Got put on an even better diet; Dr. Singh wanted to see how my body handled it.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Got discharged at about 10:30 AM. Great way to start a day. Among the supplies I received were some long q-tip thingies, sterile water and a lot of gauze bandages. For the next week or so, I would have to clean the site were the stoma was. It was an open hole. To clean it, I poured some of the sterile water on to a gauze pad, and used the wooden end of the long q-tip to pack the gauze into the stoma hole. Then I put another bandage over the stoma hole. I think I did this several times a day. It is not for the faint-hearted. After a week or two, it closed up by itself.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Had a so-so day. I could not sleep well last night until 3 or 4.
This has been hard on Connie. She had a two hour nap this afternoon and I think she needs to catch up on a lot more sleep.
Wednesday, April 18
Went out to the library, Home Depot and Target. Felt great to be out without the bag.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Crappy night sleep last night. Great 2 hour nap.
For my first week post –resection, I think I have done well. My energy level is OK, appetite reasonable. The quality of my sleep is poor, with a high number of bms.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Connie spent the day with her mom. Did not have much of an appetite, and had several naps.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Went to watch Connie’s tennis match at North Fulton. I got very tired and laid down on the lawn to take a nap. Thank God the temperature was warm, but I was not ready to come out to watch her match. My stamina was lower than I had hoped for.
Monday April 23-Started to get bad gas pains, about 15-20 an hour. The pain reminded my of the pancreatitis pain. No appetite at all. I remember being on the computer at about 5 AM, trying to force myself to eat some Ritz crackers and peanut butter. I laid in bed most of the day and slept.
Connie had the day off for Confederate Memorial Day. She was sick too-lots of diarrhea with one upchucking. She laid in bed with me most of the afternoon. Misery loves company.
I think we both had a stomach bug.
My bms were still very watery/diarrhea-like.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Another bad day. Both of us were still sick. Connie is still having diarrhea, but no upchucking.
About 1 PM, I noticed blood in my bms. Each bm, of which there were multiple, until about 9 PM had some blood in it.
Still no appetite. My weight is down to 169, which I have not weighed in 20 years. At some point over the next several days, I hit 163. I had lost 40 pounds since my preop appointment in mid December. Wow.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Feeling better, but still have some queasiness in my abdomen with diarrhea-like bms.
Had a doctor’s appointment with Dr. Singh. Told him of the last few days. He said I am progressing well.
While at Piedmont, I dropped off my leftover ostomy supplies at the Wound/Ostomy Care Center.
I felt well enough to go afterwards to both Whole Foods and Publix. We were getting low on edibles.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Better day for both of us. I took Connie to work at 11:30, stopping by Chick-Fil-A afterwards for some chicken soup and sweet tea.
I am definitely feeling better but still do not have much of an appetite.
Had soup for dinner, but made the mistake of having ice cream afterwards. I upchucked.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Rotten night last night. Multiple bms, leaving me exhausted, frustrated and cranky. I ended up sleeping on the couch trying to get a change of scenery and to avoid disturbing Connie so much. I think sleeping in a semi-erect position using propped-up pillows helps somewhat.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Feeling much better. Connie felt well enough to see a movie with her mom.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I knew better than to go to watch Connie’s match.
Monday April 30, 2007
Started driving Connie to and from work again.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
For the first time, I felt like I was walking in a normal manner. My speed was improved as well. So glad.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Bad night’s sleep last night. Still trying to get used to this j-pouch. Sometimes I have to go 3 to 4 times in a row to get one full bm. I know something is in there but does not want to come out.
This pattern of multiple attempts at a full bm will be an ongoing pain for a long time.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Started a short term HR assignment at ADAM Software. I felt well enough to work but had some misgivings on the number of times I would have to go to the bathroom. It did not cause as much of a problem as I thought. But there were times the cleaning crew had closed the bathroom for cleaning. I was not a happy camper, but had to go one or two floors up to go to the bathroom. My boss had last seen me back in mid-December when I was above 200 pounds. When he saw me, I could tell he was very surprised by my appearance, down to 163 at my lowest.
Friday, May 18, 2007
End of the first week of work. I am tired but getting my confidence back up.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Did some light yard work. The yard was overdue.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Had a flex-sigmoid scope done. They found a stricture in my j-pouch. This is a narrowing of the small intestine, formed as Dr. Singh had to jump through hoops to form the j-pouch. He almost did not have enough room.
I have been having way too many bms with very low output. This has left me very frustrated.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Started Mesalamine, a suppository/anti-inflammatory to help with my stricture.
Had a very bad night last night. Lots of bms, little sleep. Got dehydrated. Went to Connie’ tennis match. After dropping her off at the courts, I went to a convenience store and got a 32 ounce Gatorade. When I got back to the courts, I finished it quickly, then had several cups more that the home court team had brought. I knew something was wrong shortly afterwards, and tried to get some sleep in the car. The temperature was already hot in mid-morning, and I could not sleep. I still felt miserable. I got out and started talking with the husband of one of Connie’s teammates. It was about this time Connie finished her match. A few minutes of talking with Rick, I got dizzy and knelt down on the ground. After the dizziness had passed, Connie brought me home. I drank a boatload of Gatorade the rest of the day.
This made me wonder about hydration levels, and what would have happened if I had not had that Gatorade.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Connie had another tennis match. I watched, but felt rotten and exhausted from another bad night.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Started having abdominal pain at about 2:30 AM. What is it with 2:30 and pain? I thought it was hunger pains, so I got something to eat and drink. I thought about pancreatitis, and although the pain was similar and in the same location, there was no swelling. By 5:30 AM, the pain had increased to the point I woke Connie and asked her to take me to Piedmont. I could tell she was not a happy camper that this may be another bout of pancreatitis. Had there been any swelling, we would have been there much sooner than 5:30. Sure enough, after the blood test, the ER doctor said I had “Rip-roaring pancreatitis.”
I called both my bosses to tell them I would not be in. I also called Blynnsa to let her know I would be her guest again. The patient census was very high, and I into a room pretty quickly, but about 10:30 AM. Connie went in to work once I was in the room.
Same treatment pattern-starve the pancreas. That first night, they brought into the room a Dilatid pump and hooked it up to my IV. My brother advised me to take a hit or two right before I went to bed. So right before I went to bed, I went for a walk and hit that pump once or twice. The next morning, a lady came into the room, saying she was from the Pain Management section, and said that the pump was placed in my room because a lot of pancreatitis patients evidently are “rolling in pain.” I am very thankful I never got to that point, but, like my friend saying that pancreatitis had killed her mom, it again made me aware of how serious pancreatitis can be. I was lucky.
Same vacation at Piedmont: rotten sleep, blood drawn at 4:00 AM by vampires, blood pressure, temp and pulse readings throughout the night. On one occasion, the care practitioner wheeled in a scale to weigh me. I could not be mad at him as he was just doing what his instructions said to do, but I was pissed.
After listening to advise from both Connie and Blynnsa, I made the decision during this stay to not run the Peachtree Road Race. This would have been my 20th time to have ran it, but I had not trained properly for it, and this bout of pancreatitis so close to July 4 proved to me it would not have been smart to do so. It broke my heart to miss it, as it would have been my 19th in a row.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Got discharged about 10:45 AM. Beat the rap in 4 days this time, instead of the 5 days the two previous times. I must be getting to be a pro.
Towards the end of June, I mailed my Peachtree Road Race number to the Atlanta Track Club so that I could get a guaranteed number for next year.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
First tennis match in a long time. Lost 7-5 (7-2), 5-7, 5-7. It was the most evenly matched tennis match I have ever played. It lasted about 3 and ½ hours on a hot afternoon. Even though we lost, the fact that my stamina was such that I was able to play quality tennis (at least by my definition) for an extended time was a great confidence boost.
Sunday, July 21, 2007
Another three set marathon, but we won. Again, good stamina.
Thursday, July 19-Left work early and headed to the ER at Piedmont. Again. Had a good bit of abdominal pain that came and went for several hours. There were times it was strong enough to make me wince with pain. Got there about 1:15. Left about 8:15. Had an X-ray, CT scan. All negative. The ER doc said he could not determine what caused that pain.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Had more pain, similar to that of the 19th. Did not go to the ER, but the pain eventually dissipated.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Another 7 hour bout of abdominal pain.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Had a CT Scan of my abdomen.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Had a 5 minute bout of abdominal pain.
Monday, August 6, 2007
The results of the CT scan were negative. No complaint there-that is a good thing, but still no explanation of what caused the pain. Dr. Singh thought it was a kink in the small intestine that eventually worked its way out.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Connie and I ran the Dinosaur Dash, a 5-K.
Had no problems.
Monday, Sept. 3, 2007
Ran the US 10-K Classic race. Had a few bms pre-race, but avoided porta-potty lines by going to the Galleria again. Would have had some problems otherwise. The lines for the porta potties were huge. No problems during the race, or after. Beat the time from last year by 16 minutes.
Friday, Sept. 14, 2007
Dr. appointments with both Yanda and Singh. Still dealing with the stricture. High number of bms, lost of low-outputs, false alarms, back to backs.
Thursday, Oct. 4-left for vacation at Amelia Island Plantation. Had no problems there throughout the vacation. We went on another kayak excursion through the marsh, and other than the kayak having poor back support, had no complaints.
Monday, Oct. 8, 2007
On the return trip, stopped by a large sporting goods store just north of Macon. While we were there just an hour. I had to go 4 times. Major pisser.
Friday, Nov. 16, 2007
Had a stricturoplasty done at Piedmont. Instead of performing a dilation, he made 4 incisions on the stricture in an attempt to eliminate it. Long day that started early. Had two wonderful afternoon naps. Had no pain at all, very thankful about that.
Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007
Still recovering some. I am maybe at 80-90%.
I can feel some benefits of the procedure yesterday. Had no straining and all bms had output-none were false alarms or little output. So grateful about that.. I hope it stays that way.
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2007
Feeling 100%
Friday, Dec. 21, 2007
Think my stricture is returning. Getting the same symptoms as before, just not as pronounced:
Low output bms.
Feeling that there is more that wants to come out during a bm, but can not get it to do so.
High number of bms-10-14 a day
Repeated back-to-back toilet trips
Straining has returned, some hard, often involuntary. Some not.
This still beats living with colitis, but I would have hoped for better results from having the colectomy.
Monday, Dec. 31, 2007
Reflected on the year.
This has been a tough year:
Physically- recovery from the colectomy was a butt-kicker, another bout of pancreatitis, several procedures and still dealing with the stricture.
I am tired a lot. Still not getting a solid night’s sleep-not since November 2005 have I been able to sleep through the whole night without waking up. I usually take naps every Saturday and Sunday, sometimes two.
Emotionally-dealing with everything has taken a toll on me. Dealing with the recovery and the bag was fairly traumatic.
Financially- Thank God I have been with Flex HR as a consultant. I would have probably been fired from any other position as an employee. Still, I missed work until the middle of May. I could have returned to work maybe in March, but there were no assignments, and I would have been out for at least two weeks in April anyway. Not a good way to begin an assignment. Being out multiple times, -vacation, procedures, hospital trips, and since my client cut my hours in November, will all combine to not do anything good for my income this year. Still, I am grateful for what I could do.
I also learned a few things:
1. Any day out of the hospital is a damn good day. Remember that fact. Doing so will help you emotionally when you have a bad day. You will have them.
2. Appreciate and be thankful for the little things in life. Even the little aggravations of daily life. At least you are alive to notice them.
3. Appreciate good health and do not jeopardize it.
4. I am so grateful for Connie. She has put up with a lot this year.
5. Always have excellent insurance. PPOs are wonderful. My medical bills have totaled about 150K over the last year and a half and we have paid out of pocket maybe $4,000. UHC probably hates me.
6. Always have money in the bank in case you have tough times. This has been a lifesaver.
1. Drain the bag right before you go to bed.
2. Walk as much as you can stand, without wearing yourself out. Getting your strength back will be a major goal.
3. Listen to your body, and act accordingly. Sleep when your body says sleep- you will need it.
4. After your colectomy, have someone stay with you for at least two weeks after you get home from the hospital. Connie stayed three weeks, and was an incredible godsend.
5. Byram and their employees are great. Go through their catalog and highlight the supplies you usually get so you do not have to remember what you got last time. You will need to experiment to see which product/bags you like. I ended up liking a convex wafer. I was fine with either a one or two piece bag. I tried to get my account set up so that they would bill my Visa automatically for my part, but never could. When I received a bill, I called them to have them put the balance on my Visa.
6. If you end up using a two piece, make very sure it is fully snapped together. Do not assume it is. And be sure to do so before you put it on. It may be painful to put the bag on the wafer separately if you have to press too hard.
7. Have a bag ready for an emergency trip to the hospital with a toiletry kit, waterless shampoo, pencil for the crossword, pen and notepad to write letters, spare glasses, a book or two (light reading), extra underwear, robe-makes walks less air conditioned, and bring your cell phone and charger.
8. Think long-term. Staying stuck on the present will drive you crazy. Your goal is to drain the swamp, and get your health back. Remember, the alligators are temporary but are a real bitch at the time.
9. Having the travel bag (comes with your Holister stuff) to keep your ostomy supplies is a great thing to have. Keep it in your car so you do not have to remember to take it with you when you leave the house. Buy a small bag of Kleenex to keep with it. Keep it stocked with 4 or 5 bags, small scissors, a pen and a full tube of paste, not the tiny one that comes with it. Add to it a small washcloth. I never used the mirror that came with the kit. Don’t be bashful about taking the travel kit with you. I was lucky in that it was winter and early spring when I had my ostomy, so I was able to keep mine in a coat pocket when I went out. There were several times I had to change it while being away from home. It was nerve-racking to do so, but you get over it.
10. Buy a bag of 10 or so hand towels to help with changing your bag, and keep one or two next to your bed for problems at night.
11. Go to A lot. You are not alone.
12. Buy lots of the softest toilet paper you can find. Buy stock in the manufacturer to get some of your money back. You will use a lot.
13. Before you put on a new bag, make damn sure the new bag is already clamped. If you don’t, you will only make this mistake once.
14. Inventory your supplies about once a week. Do not run low.
15. Get out of the house at least once a day. It will help your mood, decrease the feeling of isolation and help with feeling depressed. Even going to Kroger with Connie helped brighten my mood.
16. When you are about to change your bag, have several folded sections of toilet paper already pulled and laid out conveniently for when your stoma gets busy in the middle of changing the bag. This helps save time and helps keep the area cleaner. Keep several pieces ready at all times during this process. Lay some toilet paper in the bowl so splashes can be reduced.
17. In your bathroom, keep your supplies in a shoebox so that you will have everything together. I kept the supply of bags in our dining room on a counter, but in a shoebox in the bathroom I had a supply of 5-6 bags plus everything else needed to change the bag.
18. Butt burn is nasty. Calmoseptine helps when it kicks in a few minutes later, but can add to the fire until it kicks in. When it happens at night, instead of trying to get through it in bed, get up and do something to try and take your mind off it. I found that if I sit down, it helps minimize the burn. I can be sitting down and not have butt burn, but when I lie back down in bed, it starts again. This pisses me off.
19. Change your bag before you eat. Changing it when your stoma is active after you eat is futile. Be patient.
20. Balneol is wonderful in conjunction with the Calmoseptine.
Residual thoughts as of Feb. 2008
1. I do not like nights anymore. From worries that luckily never came to pass about a massive leak at night to major butt burn post-takedown and the interrupted sleep, I no longer look forward to going to bed for a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep no longer happens.
2. I love naps on the weekend to help catch up on the lack of sleep.
3. I am still dealing with a stricture. High number of bms, with quite a few low outputs, back to back, followed by a gullywasher. Stricturoplasties will not be in the picture because of the threat of too much scar tissue, but balloon dilations will be in the future. If I have to have several each year, so be it. It beats UC or a bag.
March 27, 2008
I have a balloon dilation scheduled for April 4 at 7:30 AM, but we have to be there at 5:30. Lovely.
Connie said she while she realized that the UC and subsequent recovery had taken a lot out of me physically and emotionally, she said she “wants me back.”
Me too.
April 4, 2008
Had a balloon dilation done at Piedmont. In being there at 5:30 AM, we had to wake up at 4:15, a God-forsaken time to wake up.
As they were prepping me pre-op, they injected a drug called Versaid(sp). I told the nurse that it was cold as it entered my veins, and Connie said that I fell asleep almost immediately after saying that.
Afterwards, Dr. Singh said that my stricture was less than before, which is good news. Didn’t make what I went through any different.
We were homeward bound by 10:30 AM. I knew I had a bandage taped to my butt, but after eating soup for lunch, I did not know that my butt was still numb. I found out as I was about to sit on the toilet. Made a mess. I got in the shower to clean off and to take off the bandage.
I got another set of sweats and it happened again shortly after that.
I followed Connie’s advice and with another set of sweats, used a hand towel like a pad inside my underwear.
Luckily, I started to get more control, and was more attuned to my body. I had no more accidents.
Both of us took about a 4 hour nap in the afternoon, and I had another one in the early evening.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Dr. Singh had given me a prescription for Percoset, but as of Sunday evening, I have had no pain, so have not filled it.
The number of bms has stayed about the same. Tried to take a nap yesterday afternoon and this afternoon, but could not. Had bms about one an hour as I tried to sleep.
Have had some blood in the stool, not much though. Some bms have had a reddish hue to them, as some tp at times.
Monday, April 7, 2008
I noticed several big differences post-dilation: I do not have to tighten by abdomen drastically to restrain the urge to poop. My notice that I need a bm is more normal and natural now. Pre-dilation, I was having to drastically tighten my abdomen multiple times a day to avoid an accidental poop, and it was much easier to do so sitting down than when I was standing up. The last few days, I have only had one or two a day.
The other big difference is that butt burn is really bad.
I like the first change, hate the second, but still need the numbers down.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The changes mentioned above are still prevalent, but the numbers of bms has not been reduced. This has been very disappointing. The quality of my sleep still is poor.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Had a post –procedure appointment with. Dr. Singh. I told him of the positives and negatives of what I have experienced since the dilation.
He recommended I:
1. Take 2 Immodium before I go to bed.
2. Take Flora-Q probiotics
3. Use Balneol with a baby wipe to cut down butt burn
4. Again recommended a Hegar dilator. These are hard to find.
5. Make an appt when I have the dilator.
He said the J-pouch was in very good shape, with no sign of pouchitis or inflammation. That was a relief.
April 23, 2008
Wonderful night’s sleep last night. Only up once! I could really tell the difference at work today, after having a good night sleep. Felt great.
April 24, 2008
I received the Hegar Dilator I ordered from Thompson Medical. Not looking forward to using it.
Crappy night’s sleep. Maybe 2 hours total. At about 5, Ruth at work told me I looked tired. It must have really showed.
April 25, 2008
Made an appointment with Dr. Singh for next Wednesday.
April 26, 2008
Had a late morning nap, followed by a late afternoon nap. Thank God for weekends.
April 27, 2008
Had a long three hour nap. Dreary, rainy morning.
I think my dilation from the 4th is holding rather well. My numbers are still higher than I want, but all other symptoms are ok.
It will be interesting if using the dilator helps long term.
April 28, 2009
Found a good article on
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I tried to do the self-dilation with the hegar dilator. I laid down a towel on the bed, not knowing how my butt would do with lidocaine.
I used two gloves left over from last year, and spread the lidocaine on my butt. I put some ky jelly on my butt and smeared it on the dilator. In it went.
The lidocaine had no effect that I could tell. I got to within an inch of the mark on the dilator for which Dr. Singh had measured for insertion. The dilator seemed to have hit a brick wall. Stricture. Knowing the pain that I felt when Dr. Singh did this, and not feeling any effect from the lidocaine, I was too much of a wimp to do it to myself.
Connie suggested that I try again. Will do, but won’t look forward to it.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Won our tennis match, playing with Nine. Had one bm before the match, but no worries during the match. Very hot day, great stamina and energy during the match.
One of my teammates who is a nurse at Piedmont and knows what I went through complimented me, saying I was looking very fit. I told her that it was amazing what being off prednisone could do. During on of my pancreatitis vacations at Piedmont, Connie and I actually ran in to her in a hallway as we were out for a walk. Talk about a different setting than I usually see her. She is a WOC nurse who luckily was on vacation when I had my colectomy, so we did not cross paths in that capacity. That would have been awkward for both of us, although she did WOC stuff for my brother when he was at Piedmont. She had previously let me know if I had any questions or needed any help, to let her know. That was a nice offer that luckily never had to be requested.
Tuesday, June 16, 2008
Tennis practice. Had one bm at the courts before practice started, but two bms during. Aggravating.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Rotten afternoon. Was going about 2 times an hour all afternoon. Mix of low and high outputs, with lots of straining. Took a lot out of me. Took a nap when I got home.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
After work I visited a woman I used to work with who was at Emory-John’s Creek Hospital. She has breast and lung cancer. During my visit, she was zonking out every few minutes because of the meds. Seeing her in that condition is heartbreaking. I found out on Friday that she now has bone cancer. If I ever get in that condition, wheel me in front of a Mack truck or off a cliff.
It makes me appreciate good health even more.
Friday June 20, 2008
Went on a website I found from a member:
Need to take more time to read this site.
Connie’s uncle had heart surgery at Piedmont. I went to the waiting area, meeting his wife and others there. It felt weird being at Piedmont and not being a patient. I could get used to it.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
We visited Connie’s uncle at Piedmont. He made it out of ICU in half the allotted time because he was doing so well. When we got to the room, he was sitting upright in a chair, holding a pillow to his abdomen. He was alert and talking well, with good color to his skin. I was proud of him for doing so well only two days following his surgery because I semi-remembered my condition two days following my surgery, Night and day difference.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Had a Flex HR meeting at Maggiano’s at Perimeter Mall, from 4:30-8:50, with dinner through in. Had very small salad, two slices of bread and an average sized portion of lasagne. I had to poop about once an hour after that during the meeting, and with a lot of straining.
On top of working at my two clients until 3:30, I was pretty tired when I got home at 9:30. I took three Immodium shortly after I got home. Maybe too little, too late for the day, but hopefully not for the night.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Ran the Peachtree Road Race for the 20th time. My intention was to walk it, as I have not run in over a month, nor did I train seriously prior to that. But I would run 200 or so yards and walk 200-300 yards. Ended up finishing at 1 hour and 33 minutes. All things considered, I am happy with that.
I took 4 Immodiums before I left the house. I had a couple of bms before the race. Shortly before our time group was ready to advance to the start line, I had to have another bm. By that time, there were no lines; everyone was with their time group. But I lost my place close to the head of the time group and had to go to the rear of the group. No biggie. I was not competing with them anyway. The race was over way before we even got to the start line.
About two miles in to the race, I had another bm at Starbucks. Glad they are like Waffle Houses-on every street corner in Atlanta. I was fine the rest of the race. I am grateful for that, since it means I can do some long distances.
About three miles into the race, there is a hill called Cardiac Hill. At the top of the hill is Piedmont Hospital. As I was approaching Piedmont, I thought of all of the stuff I went through over the last two and a half years, and started getting choked up. It is the doctors and nurses at Piedmont that gave me life without UC. I ended up with a stricture, but that is another subject that I can deal with a whole lot better than UC.
After the race, it took about an hour for me to walk the transit station, take the train to my car, and drive home. Still had no problems. That part had worried me. No bathrooms on the train.
In the evening, my mother in law came over for dinner, and I had no real trouble with the ribeye steak and grilled veggies.
Monday, July 7, 2008
I have learned that on a lot of occasions, it helps to go to the bathroom when I don’t think I need to go or when I first get the urge to go. I guess the stricture gets faked out by a sudden bm, and does not get tensed up.
Wednesday, July 23 , 2008
I have noticed my numbers of bms being lower and I have used either Balneol or Calmoseptine only twice in the last 3 weeks, so my butt burn has diminished greatly. So glad for both reductions! On both last Friday and this Monday, I had one bm between 8 and noon, and on last Monday, I had one bm during the afternoon. So blissful.
I hope these reductions are wonderful omens for the future.
Rotten timing. Would you know that after writing the two paragraphs above that I get a bad case of butt burn! I jinxed myself.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Had a bad night. Lots of low output bms. Stricture is back. I am up at 1:50 AM writing this. The urge to poop is strongest when I lay down. I can be up for 30 minutes with no urge, then lay down for a minute and I get the urge. This ticks me off, and I worry about waking up Connie again. I spent the night on the couch. The cats kept me company.
I hope this subsides quickly. I have a tennis match later Sunday morning- our team made through the first round of playoffs today. If the stricture is still causing problems, then I’ll have to deal with it. Maybe our team will win the 3 of 5 before my partner and I start.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Had two poops while at the match. Both low outputs, knowing both times there was more that did not want to come out. Had no problems during our match. I drank a lot of Gatorade before the match due the 92 degree temp, but don’t think the sugar had any effect on my j pouch.
Had a decent afternoon, which included an hour-long nap, but during the evening, quite a few back to back, low output bms thanks to the stricture. I could tell that when my abdominal muscles relaxed, which is usually followed by a gullywasher, the stricture did not allow much to come out. Having a decent bm required a lot of straining.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The stricture seems to have disappeared. I am having no stricture-related problems, and minimal straining.
Still, it is disconcerting that it can appear and disappear so quickly.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
At the semi finals of our tennis playoffs, I only had one bm from about 8:30 until after 1 o’clock. While we won today (and will play in the city finals next Saturday!), I did not have to play, as the first team that wins three matches is the one that advances, our first three teams won. I think I would have been ok had we played. Connie and I played some light tennis afterwards, for about 30 minutes, during which I felt the urge for about 4 minutes, After the match, we all went for pizza, where I had one pizza-related bm there and two shortly afterwards. All this without Immodium.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Finally used the Hegar dilator again, with out the lidocaine. I was able to get it up through the stricture by being very slow. I held it both times (each side was used) for about a minute. Connie was a good breathing coach and helped me determine how close I was to the stopping mark Dr. Signh had marked.
It will be interested to see if there are any results-short or long term.
sleep. Starting yesterday, we started putting the cats downstairs so they won’t wake us up. Gabby has the habit of pawing at the covers at around 2 AM in her efforts to get us to feed her. Harley starts to get obnoxious around 6:30 a.m. when he is hungry. If we can eliminate two nightly interruptions, that is a good thing.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I think that there has been a reddish hue on my tp several times yesterday and today. Had a poor evening-lots of poops.
Monday, August 25, 2008
For the third day in a row, had a bad day. During the afternoon, I was having 3 to 4 bms an hour from about 1:00 to 4:00. I think I got dehydrated, which helped me feel like crap, not to mention worn out and unproductive. So I left work an hour early. Ended up sleeping, with one poop, for about an hour and a half after I got home. Ended up having 20 bms today. Miserable.
Thought about doing a dilation for which Dr. Singh said do one a month. This month, I might need two.
I had hoped that post UC that I would be not as full of crap as before my surgery. I am not there yet.
Wednesday, August 27
Did another dilation, but think I did not get it far enough or in for long enough. Wussed out again.
Sunday, Augustt 31
Rotten evening. Up at midnight, 1 and 2 AM.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ran the US 10 K Classic again. No real problems, other than being tired from last night. Before the start, I again avoided the porta potty lines at Cumberland Mall by going to the Galleria Mall for a poop. I stopped in at Dunkin Donuts, a long-standing tradition, but only had to pee.
Towards the end of the race, I thought about the length of time it would be before I got back to my car, so I stopped at IHOP. Nothing came out. Even with these two stops, my time beat my time for the Peachtree Road Race. As usual.
Had no problems at the after-race festival, the lines for the buses or the bus ride back to Cumberland. While at Cumberland I hit the bathroom near the food court and had a gullywasher.
My mother in law came over later in the afternoon for salmon and veggie kabobs, with Connie and I had ribeyes. Had several bms, within two hours of eating, and I think I did not chew my food well enough. I have to concentrate a lot more on chewing my food better. I have gotten lazy, and I think that contributes to my higher-than-I-would-like numbers.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Have not written in a while. No real changes-still averaging 12 or so poops a day, with 2-3 at night.
Started a new client that will give me a lot more hours. Specifically, I will be at the new client from Tuesday through Friday 8 or so to 12. I am a bit worried about my sleep or lack of it taking a toll on me.
The assignment may be 3-4 weeks, so I will live and the extra income will be greatly appreciated. The bathroom is not too far away, which is good.
I found on the CCFA website the forum section. I think the is better, but it is still worth going to.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Noticed that I have the stricture back. Lots of straining. Some blood.
Wednesday Oct. 1, 2008
Did another dilation. Connie helped me breathe through the pain/uncomfortableness and told me when the dialator was in to the proper depth.
Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008
Noticed that I had not had to strain nearly as much as the last week. My numbers of bms is normal, but very limited straining. I’ll take it.
Sunday, Oct. 5, 2008
Made the mistake of eating a barbeque sandwich, baked beans and garlic bread for dinner. Bad bms, with stricture announcing its presence. Lots of bms during the evening, lots of straining and a miserable night’s sleep.
Monday. Oct. 6, 2008
Went to an HR conference. Made it fine through the morning, and had a chicken salad sandwich for lunch. Had lots of bms-maybe one every 45 minutes during the afternoon and evening. Damn stricture was still kicking my butt. A few of the bms were low output, even with lots of straining.
My abdomen likes to make noises even when I do not have to go. I am not looking forward to going to bed tonight, even though I am exhausted.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2008
Had a better day at the conference. Much better afternoon, although my stomach made rumbling noises a few times.
Nov. 3, 2008
Not much change lately, although I have had some butt burn a few times lately.
Sunday Nov. 16, 2008
Did a dilation. Need to try to do this at the beginning of each month. It has been about 6 weeks; need to make it every 4 weeks.
I have noticed that I get more output if I sit very vertical, maybe a slight lean forward, and bring my right arm up and over to the left. Resting my right wrist on my head works best, and then lean a little to the left.
Some of my bms leading up to this dilation have been stricture-related, but I did not see them as much of an issue than normal. If there is such a thing as normal.
Monday, Nov. 17, 2008
Not much of a dilation-caused difference. Still, glad to have done the dilation if only as a preventative measure.
Sunday, Nov. 23, 2008
My stricture returned in the afternoon. Luckily, we were not doing much. Did some stuff around the house, watched the Falcon’s game. Excellent win over Carolina.
Had multiple trips to the bathroom, repeated low outputs, never a real gullywasher. I tried nachos for dinner, hoping that would loosen me up. No dice.
Monday, Nov. 24, 2008
Had a rotten night’s sleep last night. Not sure about the exact times, but I was up in the midnight hour, one and two AM, then four and five AM. I adjusted the time on the clock to give me an extra 40 minutes sleep. Rain and a Monday plus a stricture is a rotten way to start a morning.
Had a bad day. Lots of low out puts, lots of straining. Had a moderate amount of blood around 3:00 or so. Only time today.
I thought about the pleasure of sitting on the pointed end of a pickax embedded in the ground (lubed, of course!) to rid myself of this damn stricture.
In view of the toilet is our plunger. The thought was appealing of sitting on the long, narrow wooden handle. Kinky.
Did a dilation tonight, sans Connie, so I did not do as good of a job. Still, I give myself a B.
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2008
Had a much better day.
But over the last several days, butt burn has returned, but it ends quickly with or without Balneal.
Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2008
Had a little worse day than yesterday.
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2008 Thanksgiving.
Had a great morning, and went to Mom and Dad’s for the day. I was still worn out and ended up taking a nap for about an hour. In the early afternoon, the stricture returned. Had about one bm each hour in the afternoon, all with low outputs and lots of straining.
On the way home, I stopped by Kroger to poop. Low output. On the way home, had numerous very strong urges to poop, but I was pretty tired of the false alarms. So I ignored my jpouch and made my way home. Within two minutes after arriving home, I had my first gullywasher. I knew there were probably two or three more inside me. I was right. They came out shortly thereafter.
Friday, Nov. 28, 2008
Connie and I were off today. Had a decent day, plus a nap that lasted, uninterrupted, for about 1.5 hours. I needed that. Badly.
Saturday, Nov. 29, 2008
Better day than Thursday. Got in another nice 1.5 hour nap
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I think my stricture has dissipated to a large extent. Decent output on almost all bms this weekend. Numbers returning to normal, though that is not much to brag about.
Picked up another bottle of Flora Q, double strength. I hope it works.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Nothing terribly new. I have noticed that at night, when Connie’s arm is draped over me, that I am uncomfortable if her arm is lower than my rib cage. I much prefer her arm to be resting on my ribs. Maybe something psychological?
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009
Last night, I had the worst night in years. My count:
12-1 2 poops
2-3 2
3-4 3
4-5 3
5-6 2
6-7 1
No more stir-fry. Ever.
I was getting up so often I tried to sleep on the couch to avoid disturbing Connie. Damn miserable night. The thing about it is that the numbers were not stricture-related. I had many gully-washers; output was no problem.
I got up with Connie around 7:30-I had gotten back in bed by that time.
I did some job search as she was leaving and after, but laid down on the couch around 8:30 for an early morning nap. I did not get up until 11:30, and I think I did not move and inch. I remember the cats on me-Harley on my chest and Gabby on my legs.
I knew I was seriously dehydrated, knowing the several cups of water I drank in the middle of the night were not enough. So I went to Chick-Fil-A and had a large sweet tea and a chicken sandwich for lunch. That perked me up somewhat, with a refill as I was leaving to keep up the liquids.
I still felt like crap the rest of the day.
Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009
Had a much better night, after having baked chicken and rice for dinner.
Monday, Feb. 2, 2009
I have noticed a pattern over the last several weeks that in the evenings and into the early nights, that it seems like I have a lot of low outputs. It is very similar to the feeling when the stricture acts up. It probably is the same thing.
I have also noticed that after drinking soy milk, I have to go within a very short time frame. So I have started to drink soy milk an hour or so before I go to bed, and when I am up frequently when this acts up, will drink soy milk then as well.
I think it is helping. I am torn in deciding whether to bulk up my stools, as directed, which will bring about the incompleteness/low outputs that will increase my frustration and decrease my sleep, versus eating/drinking something that will clean me out while decreasing my frustration and increasing my sleep.
At 2:00 AM, soy milk almost always wins.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
On a dreary, rainy day, I did some chores and errands, and ended up with a wonderful 2 ½ hour nap. That was heaven, made even better by not having poops for that long. The cats kept me company again; Harley on my thighs and Gabby on my chest.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I went to visit my parents for the day-they live about 60 miles north of us. As we were eating dinner, I started to feel pretty dizzy, so I went and laid down on the couch.
We were having ribeye steaks, baked potato, sugar peas and rolls, along with a glass of red wine. Over the course of the meal, I had maybe 4 sips of wine over twenty minutes. Then I started the dizziness.
Mom took my blood pressure-112 over 57, with a pulse of 54. She took it several times over the next hour, and all numbers rose afterwards. I do not recall the numbers but my last pulse was at 75.
Before I went home, I went downstairs to use the bathroom, and checked to see if I had any issues in going up and down the stairs. Luckily, no issues.
Monday, March 30, 2009
We had a make up tennis match from the previous Saturday that was rained out. Playing at our home courts, I knew halfway through the first set that I needed a bm. Talk about a distraction for a match. But as the clubhouse was locked when we got there, I would have been screwed, and messy, had our captain not shown up who had the key. So I went after we lost the first set. Had he not shown up, I do not know what I would have done.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Had a great afternoon. Leading up to the afternoon, I stopped by Chick-Fil-A for a chicken biscuit for breakfast, then went to my tennis match. After watching the 3’s and 4’s lose, it came my turn to play, playing with Shawn. I hit the bathroom first and had a small bm. We got on the courts at about 11:30 AM.
I had no problems at all for the three hour match. None. I went all the way to about 6 PM. That is 6.5 hours without a bm. That is unheard of. What a great afternoon.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Had a yearly check up with Dr. Singh. Said my stricture was still there, but was a lot more open than last time. He did a scope this time, which hurt as much as it felt uncomfortable.
He said that if I wanted, an operative dilation could be done. I told him that while I had not been using the dilator much, and as I usually wimp out when doing it by myself, I thought my wife and I could handle it.
He said that he wanted to do a biopsy every other year as a pre-cancer prevention. I had read on that the longer a person has colitis, the higher the chance that they will get cancer. Not good.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I think I set close to a record of going about 5 ½ hours without a poop. I had a poop about 8 AM, then went to get Connie a Starbucks, then left for my tennis match. I had a Chick-Fil-A sausage and egg biscuit on the way. Had no problems throughout our match, aside from losing. Was in the car about 12:45, getting home about 1:30. Within 5 minutes of getting home, I had a poop.
I like these records, and it is one that I want to keep breaking.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Ran the Peachtree Road Race for the 21st time. Had to stop for a poop at Chick-Fil-A about ¾ of a mile from the start. Otherwise had no issues. I had taken my access card with me, since the company I work for is at the 4 ½ mile mark on Peachtree, but did not need it.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Have not written lately. No new stuff happening, mostly the same old stuff.
Ran the US 10K Classic again. Only had one pre-race poop. During the race, I made my annual stop at the Dunkin Donuts, about 2/3’s of a mile into the race, for a poop. Stopped again at IHOP, about 5 ½ miles into the race, for another.
Once back at Cumberland Mall, I had another one about 10:15.
All these were aggravating, as I intentionally did not eat anything prior to the race because I wanted to see how I would do. Was disappointed in the results. I had three sugar cookies at the post-race festival, but that should have not led to the poop at Cumberland. But then they were sugar.
I have some serious doubts about running many other 10ks if a bathroom is not available during the race. One that I used to like starts at the Braves stadium and runs east of downtown and then down Courtland right through downtown and passes in front of the Capital. No bathrooms anywhere.
October 4, 2009
Have not had much happen that really needed discussing. Not much has been happening. Same old same old.
I worked at the paintball field last Sunday from 12-5, having left the house at 11:15 and hitting Publix on the way home at 5:30. Only had one poop between leaving the house and getting to Publix. That was wonderful. Granted, I did not eat anything during time, but I’ll take it.
Nov. 17, 2009
My afternoons have usually been the better part of the day lately. Until now. From when I returned from lunch, I was going every thirty minutes or so.
This lasted from 2:30 to when I left at 6:15. I had chicken strips for lunch, and have not had this problem previously with this lunch.
Damn stricture. Never could empty it all.
Had a mild thai chicken for dinner with lots of rice; had a good evening.
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2010
Mom had surgery today. My sister-in-law, Blynnsa, came by the waiting room. During our conversation, we talked about my brother Chris, and his UC. She said that he went through UC for 5 years before his colectomy. She thinks that as he went through a lot, that he has repressed a lot of his memory of what he went through. I believe it. When I asked Chris some detailed questions, he would have to ask Blynnsa for the answer.
This ties in with some of the comments I have read on that said that a lot of jpouchers have ptsd. I believe that too. If I did not have this narrative to try and make sense of my UC odyssey, I am not sure what I would do. I am sure that I would forget a lot of details, whether more by repression or normal passage of time, I do not know.
Friday, Nov. 28, 2008
Connie and I were off today. Had a decent day, plus a nap that lasted, uninterrupted, for about 1.5 hours. I needed that. Badly.
Saturday, Nov. 29, 2008
Better day than Thursday. Got in another nice 1.5 hour nap
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I think my stricture has dissipated to a large extent. Decent output on almost all bms this weekend. Numbers returning to normal, though that is not much to brag about.
Picked up another bottle of Flora Q, double strength. I hope it works.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Nothing terribly new. I have noticed that at night, when Connie’s arm is draped over me, that I am uncomfortable if her arm is lower than my rib cage. I much prefer her arm to be resting on my ribs. Maybe something psychological?
Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2009
Last night, I had the worst night in years. My count:
12-1 2 poops
2-3 2
3-4 3
4-5 3
5-6 2
6-7 1
No more stir-fry. Ever.
I was getting up so often I tried to sleep on the couch to avoid disturbing Connie. Damn miserable night. The thing about it is that the numbers were not stricture-related. I had many gully-washers; output was no problem.
I got up with Connie around 7:30-I had gotten back in bed by that time.
I did some job search as she was leaving and after, but laid down on the couch around 8:30 for an early morning nap. I did not get up until 11:30, and I think I did not move and inch. I remember the cats on me-Harley on my chest and Gabby on my legs.
I knew I was seriously dehydrated, knowing the several cups of water I drank in the middle of the night were not enough. So I went to Chick-Fil-A and had a large sweet tea and a chicken sandwich for lunch. That perked me up somewhat, with a refill as I was leaving to keep up the liquids.
I still felt like crap the rest of the day.
Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009
Had a much better night, after having baked chicken and rice for dinner.
Monday, Feb. 2, 2009
I have noticed a pattern over the last several weeks that in the evenings and into the early nights, that it seems like I have a lot of low outputs. It is very similar to the feeling when the stricture acts up. It probably is the same thing.
I have also noticed that after drinking soy milk, I have to go within a very short time frame. So I have started to drink soy milk an hour or so before I go to bed, and when I am up frequently when this acts up, will drink soy milk then as well.
I think it is helping. I am torn in deciding whether to bulk up my stools, as directed, which will bring about the incompleteness/low outputs that will increase my frustration and decrease my sleep, versus eating/drinking something that will clean me out while decreasing my frustration and increasing my sleep.
At 2:00 AM, soy milk almost always wins.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
On a dreary, rainy day, I did some chores and errands, and ended up with a wonderful 2 ½ hour nap. That was heaven, made even better by not having poops for that long. The cats kept me company again; Harley on my thighs and Gabby on my chest.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I went to visit my parents for the day-they live about 60 miles north of us. As we were eating dinner, I started to feel pretty dizzy, so I went and laid down on the couch.
We were having ribeye steaks, baked potato, sugar peas and rolls, along with a glass of red wine. Over the course of the meal, I had maybe 4 sips of wine over twenty minutes. Then I started the dizziness.
Mom took my blood pressure-112 over 57, with a pulse of 54. She took it several times over the next hour, and all numbers rose afterwards. I do not recall the numbers but my last pulse was at 75.
Before I went home, I went downstairs to use the bathroom, and checked to see if I had any issues in going up and down the stairs. Luckily, no issues.
Monday, March 30, 2009
We had a make up tennis match from the previous Saturday that was rained out. Playing at our home courts, I knew halfway through the first set that I needed a bm. Talk about a distraction for a match. But as the clubhouse was locked when we got there, I would have been screwed, and messy, had our captain not shown up who had the key. So I went after we lost the first set. Had he not shown up, I do not know what I would have done.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Had a great afternoon. Leading up to the afternoon, I stopped by Chick-Fil-A for a chicken biscuit for breakfast, then went to my tennis match. After watching the 3’s and 4’s lose, it came my turn to play, playing with Shawn. I hit the bathroom first and had a small bm. We got on the courts at about 11:30 AM.
I had no problems at all for the three hour match. None. I went all the way to about 6 PM. That is 6.5 hours without a bm. That is unheard of. What a great afternoon.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Had a yearly check up with Dr. Singh. Said my stricture was still there, but was a lot more open than last time. He did a scope this time, which hurt as much as it felt uncomfortable.
He said that if I wanted, an operative dilation could be done. I told him that while I had not been using the dilator much, and as I usually wimp out when doing it by myself, I thought my wife and I could handle it.
He said that he wanted to do a biopsy every other year as a pre-cancer prevention. I had read on that the longer a person has colitis, the higher the chance that they will get cancer. Not good.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I think I set close to a record of going about 5 ½ hours without a poop. I had a poop about 8 AM, then went to get Connie a Starbucks, then left for my tennis match. I had a Chick-Fil-A sausage and egg biscuit on the way. Had no problems throughout our match, aside from losing. Was in the car about 12:45, getting home about 1:30. Within 5 minutes of getting home, I had a poop.
I like these records, and it is one that I want to keep breaking.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Ran the Peachtree Road Race for the 21st time. Had to stop for a poop at Chick-Fil-A about ¾ of a mile from the start. Otherwise had no issues. I had taken my access card with me, since the company I work for is at the 4 ½ mile mark on Peachtree, but did not need it.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Have not written lately. No new stuff happening, mostly the same old stuff.
Ran the US 10K Classic again. Only had one pre-race poop. During the race, I made my annual stop at the Dunkin Donuts, about 2/3’s of a mile into the race, for a poop. Stopped again at IHOP, about 5 ½ miles into the race, for another.
Once back at Cumberland Mall, I had another one about 10:15.
All these were aggravating, as I intentionally did not eat anything prior to the race because I wanted to see how I would do. Was disappointed in the results. I had three sugar cookies at the post-race festival, but that should have not led to the poop at Cumberland. But then they were sugar.
I have some serious doubts about running many other 10ks if a bathroom is not available during the race. One that I used to like starts at the Braves stadium and runs east of downtown and then down Courtland right through downtown and passes in front of the Capital. No bathrooms anywhere.
October 4, 2009
Have not had much happen that really needed discussing. Not much has been happening. Same old same old.
I worked at the paintball field last Sunday from 12-5, having left the house at 11:15 and hitting Publix on the way home at 5:30. Only had one poop between leaving the house and getting to Publix. That was wonderful. Granted, I did not eat anything during time, but I’ll take it.
Nov. 17, 2009
My afternoons have usually been the better part of the day lately. Until now. From when I returned from lunch, I was going every thirty minutes or so.
This lasted from 2:30 to when I left at 6:15. I had chicken strips for lunch, and have not had this problem previously with this lunch.
Damn stricture. Never could empty it all.
Had a mild thai chicken for dinner with lots of rice; had a good evening.
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2010
Mom had surgery today. My sister-in-law, Blynnsa, came by the waiting room. During our conversation, we talked about my brother Chris, and his UC. She said that he went through UC for 5 years before his colectomy. She thinks that as he went through a lot, that he has repressed a lot of his memory of what he went through. I believe it. When I asked Chris some detailed questions, he would have to ask Blynnsa for the answer.
This ties in with some of the comments I have read on that said that a lot of jpouchers have ptsd. I believe that too. If I did not have this narrative to try and make sense of my UC odyssey, I am not sure what I would do. I am sure that I would forget a lot of details, whether more by repression or normal passage of time, I do not know.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Had a rotten evening last night. After eating a decently large bowl of spaghetti, I noticed I had not had to poop for a while. So I went, and just a little came out. Same when I went to bed.
I thought, “This is great-it’s what life with a j-pouch should be like-not having to poop for several hours after eating.” Boy, was I wrong.
I had the worst bloating/constipation I have ever had. It seemed like the stricture snuck back without warning and slammed the j-pouch shut. There have been mentions of blockages in posts I have read on, and I was beginning to get worried. I would get flashes of pain every three minutes or so. The worry of trying to sleep with that did not do me any good.
I was able to sleep from about 11:30 to 12:30, and tried to poop. Nothing.
Finally, at about 2:30, I had a partial gulleywasher. Thirty minutes later, I finished the job. Had no issues the rest of the day, but for damn sure, I did not have that spaghetti again.
I have noticed that the time frame in between some poops had been lengthening. This morning, I went at about 6:10 and did not go again until 11:15. Granted, I felt the urge a time or two, but handled it ok.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
On two occasions today, the intestines behind my stoma scar tried to get twisted while I was trying to poop. Damn, that hurt. It took about a minute both times before the pain began to dissipate.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Had some blood with two poops in the morning. One more than the other.
One thing I am grateful for is that my butt burn has been greatly diminished. I have used Balneol once in the past 3-4 months. This makes life much better.
Monday, February 1, 2010
I have noticed a pattern over the last few months. If, after a poop, I feel there is something more in there that can come out, I do some straining, I will sometimes see a good bit of blood on the tp.
Moral to the story, don’t strain?
Monday, March 8, 2010
Had a very bad night.
I went to a company meeting for dinner, had a little chicken and pasta, and some salmon. Shortly afterwards, I knew I did not feel right.
After the meeting, I had a poop before I left the restaurant- no worries there.
I got home a little before 9, and told Connie I did not feel well. I followed her advice and drank some gingerale.
Flashes of pain started to occur every ten minutes or so across my abdomen that lasted about 5 seconds. I tried to poop several times before going to bed around 9:30. No output.
I woke up around 11:30, feeling surprised I was able to get some sleep. I realized that I might have a blockage, as I thought that my poop was backing up in my small intestine. Several more attempts to poop failed, and the pains came back hard.
It seemed like the stricture had just suddenly popped up and stopped everything in its tracks. As there were no indications that I was having problems with a stricture, that is what worried me about a blockage.
With payroll due Thursday, I started wondering how I would get Anna to do the payroll with me coaching her from my hospital bed. Doing so luckily kept me mind occupied and off my worrying, but also kept me awake. I came close to asking Connie to take me to Piedmont.
By 2:30, I was able to get some output, and then some sleep. I was very glad to see that the dam had started to burst and did not worry as much. Up at 3:30 for another good output poop, getting to sleep around 4. Then another good output poop at about 4:30. This pattern was repeated until 7:30.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I naturally felt like crap all day (pun intended) and went home early. I could have laid my head on my desk and have been asleep in a minute. One home, I slept from 4:30 -6:15. Naps are so wonderful. Felt better in the evening, and had soup for dinner.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Had two squirts shortly before waking up for the day. I think it is because I was in a deep sleep and did not pick on the need to get up and poop.
My abdomen is still sore from Monday night. I hope that is the reason, and that a new problem is not developing. It seems to be the most sore right where Rosie had been.
What happened motivated me to respond to Connie’s asking me several times recently if I had called Dr Singh to schedule my annual jpouch check up. So I made my appointment for next month.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Have had some blood later in the week, on multiple occasions.
Had a very good afternoon today. I worked at the paintball field from 12-5:30 and only had to poop around 4:30. And that was after eating a turkey sandwich on the way to work.
But I waited longer than I should have. During the game, I really had to hold it in, and would not have been able to run and assist a player. The thought crossed my mind at one point that if I got hit by a paintball, the pain and shock would unleash the dam. Luckily, that never happened.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Had an annual checkup with Dr. Singh. Told him how things were going, and about that night several weeks ago when I was completely blocked up. He said if it happened again, do a dilation or enema.
After examining me, he said things look better than he had ever seen-not much inflammation. He was not concerned about the blood after a lot of straining.
He said one thing that helps with my control is that I still have about 2.5 centimeters of rectal tissue, instead of about one centimeter, which seems to be standard. This was a result of him trying to make the small intestine reach the jpouch. Or something like that.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
We had a makeup match tonight at 7 and I did not drink enough during the day. On the way to the courts, I drank some Gatorade. During the match, I finished the medium Gatorade. Lost the three set match.
Once home, I drank a large glass of milk.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Had a bad night. Up at 12:00, 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00.
As I was getting out of bed around 5:00 AM, I got a cramp in my right calf.
With the wall right next to me, I started stretching it immediately by
doing calf stretches by leaning against the wall . Connie woke up and asked
me what was wrong. I told her that I had a cramp but thought I had got it in
time before it really got bad.
The next thing I knew, I heard Connie say, “Jeff” and then repeated it, much louder. I remember thinking, “Connie, damn it, I am trying to sleep.” What I did not know is that I had passed out. Connie heard two thunks, one when my forehead hit the windowsill and the other when my chin hit the floor.
Connie woke me up and I sat on the bed, then stretched again. Connie got me two small Gatorades, which were a godsend, but we were out of bananas.
She helped stretch my calves, and I used the wall again for more support.
My forehead had two bruises and my chin had a sore red spot.
I had planned to get up around 6:15, but slept until 7:30 to get some more sleep. Smart move.
I realize now several things. Looking back at my history of cramping over the last several years, it seems like most have occurred as I was kicking the blankets off, and in doing so, elongated my calves by pointing my pointing my toes away from me.
I had thought I had been doing a good job of staying hydrated. Evidently not, but might have been right on the border, with it just taking a tennis match or a day of reffing paintball to push my over.
Maybe I had just gotten complacent. But it makes me wonder about my plan to get my running cranked back up.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Had a bad day. Shortly after breakfast, I realized that my stricture had made an appearance. We were going to pick up Connie’s mom to take her to Dahlonga to eat a late lunch at the Smith House. Dahlonega is about an hour north of here
While waiting for Connie to get ready, I pooped and then went downstairs to wait on her. About ten minutes had passed, I felt the need to go again. Lots of straining, poor output.
On the way up there, I knew I had not hydrated well, and also had the need to poop, so we stopped at a convenience store to take care of both.
While at the Smith House, I had to go three times once when we got there, once during and once before we left. By this time, my butt was pretty sore, and I was sitting down pretty gingerly.
After leaving we walked around the square downtown, doing some shopping, something I used to like to do there. Not this time. Together, Connie and her mom shop like molasses in winter. I was wondering the whole time were the nearest bathroom was. Once located, again, low output.
Monday, May 3, 2010
No stricture-related issues. Must have just been a one day pain in the @%@%@$.